This is possible via sourcemod and its plug in TF2 Class. It might seems the best choice for this map but a single ingeneer can ruin it all for those class if he's smart.

We suggest you to install a Class restrict if you see full scout or sniper team on your server. Added a force field in the middle every 5 points to stressed up the game Added new side entries just under the respawn point Added a force field instead of the old sniper protection to reduce aliasing Duration is now 25 minutes instead of 30 Rework of the trigger for leaving the field Suddendeath is now enabled (or draw if server has disabled sudden death) At the end of the map there is a victory team winning an extra point Field graphics rework (holes are now in dirt texture) Have fun, feed back are most welcome as usual. There is now water in the hole to stop burning Ending map conditions are now : maxrounds : 40 - Winlimit : 20 Reduced Intel respawn time to 25 seconds Roof obstacles in order to block demo or soldier camping Modifications of map size in order to increased fps on med and low graphics card, the field stay untouched but tribune height has been cut in half. We didn't update the page to V4 (buggy) or V4_2 (V5 was released a few days after V4_2) once a team drops the intel, it stays locked under its possession for 15s before becoming neutral again (Won't be any modifications for a long time for now)